Transforming Complex Ideas into Compelling Digital Narratives

U-Reporter for Breakthrough Partnership for Adolescents and Children Living With HIV
Led education campaigns targeting over 5,000 adolescents in Nigeria, utilizing digital channels and social media strategies to ensure maximum outreach, reach 500,000 Nigerians with impactful content, 20% increase in digital media followers, increased engagement rate of content by 30%.
Successfully produced content on a range of topics that informed and connected Nigerian adolescents to relevant services in a timely and effective manner.
Developed and implemented communication strategies and campaigns that illustrate the right story to the right target audience via the right channels to drive impact.

Youth Social Media Advocate
- Facilitated partnerships to execute campaign activities, utilized multimedia platforms to amplify awareness, shared impact stories, and connected with peers to advocate for increased sexual and reproductive health services for adolescent girls and young women by utilizing various types of data analysis tools. Resulted in a 300% increase in engagement with content.
- Continued to refine communication strategies, by analysing monthly results and developing campaign analytics.